1. Introduction

Urban Computing Tool Box is a package providing urban datasets, spatial-temporal prediction models, and visualization tools for various urban computing tasks, such as traffic prediction, crowd flow prediction, ridesharing demand prediction, etc.

UCTB is a flexible and open package. You can use the data we provided or use your data, and the data structure is well stated in the tutorial section.

1.1. Urban Datasts

UCTB also releases a public dataset repository including the following applications:

Application City Time Range Temporal Granularity Dataset Link
Bike-sharing NYC 2013.07.01-2017.09.30 5 minutes 66.0M
Bike-sharing Chicago 2013.07.01-2017.09.30 5 minutes 30.2M
Bike-sharing DC 2013.07.01-2017.09.30 5 minutes 31.0M
Pedestrian Count Melbourne 2021.01.01-2022.11.01 60 minutes 1.18M
Vehicle Speed LA 2012.03.01-2012.06.28 5 minutes 11.8M
Vehicle Speed BAY 2017.01.01-2017.07.01 5 minutes 27.9M
Taxi Demand Chicago 2013.01.01-2018.01.01 15 minutes 6.1M
Bus NYC 2022.02.01-2024.01.13 60 mins 4.89M
Metro NYC 2022.02.01-2023.12.21 60 mins 11.3M
Traffic Flow Luzern 2015.01.01-2016.01.01 3 mins 21M
Ride-sharing Chicago (community) 2013.01.01-2018.01.01 15 mins 6.06
Ride-sharing Chicago (census tract) 2013.01.01-2018.01.01 15 mins 10M
Ride-sharing NYC 2009.01.01-2023.06.01 5 mins

We provide detailed documents about how to build and how to use these datasets.

1.2. Predictive Tool

Currently, the package supports the following models: (This toolbox is constructed based on some open-source repos. We appreciate these awesome implements. See more details).

Model Name Input Data Format Spatial Modeling Technique Graph Type Temporal Modeling Technique Temporal Knowledge Module
ARIMA Both N/A N/A SARIMA Closeness UCTB.model.ARIMA
HM Both N/A N/A N/A Closeness UCTB.model.HM
HMM Both N/A N/A HMM Closeness UCTB.model.HMM
XGBoost Both N/A N/A XGBoost Closeness UCTB.model.XGBoost
DeepST [SIGSPATIAL 2016] Grid CNN N/A CNN Closeness,Period,Trend UCTB.model.DeepST
ST-ResNet [AAAI 2017] Grid CNN N/A CNN Closeness,Period,Trend UCTB.model.ST_ResNet
DCRNN [ICLR 2018] Node GNN Prior(Sensor Network) RNN Closeness UCTB.model.DCRNN
GeoMAN [IJCAI 2018] Node Attention Prior(Sensor Networks) Attention+LSTM Closeness UCTB.model.GeoMAN
STGCN [IJCAI 2018] Node GNN Prior(Traffic Network) Gated CNN Closeness UCTB.model.STGCN
GraphWaveNet [IJCAI 2019] Node GNN Adaptive TCN Closeness UCTB.model.GraphWaveNet
ASTGCN [AAAI 2019] Node GNN+Attention Prior(Traffic Network) Attention Closeness,Period,Trend UCTB.model.ASTGCN
ST-MGCN [AAAI 2019] Node GNN Prior(Neighborhood,Functional similarity,Transportation connectivity) CGRNN Closeness UCTB.model.ST_MGCN
GMAN [AAAI 2020] Node Attention Prior(Road Network) Attention Closeness UCTB.model.GMAN
STSGCN [AAAI 2020] Node GNN+Attention Prior(Spatial Network) Attention Closeness UCTB.model.STSGCN
AGCRN [NeurIPS 2020] Node GNN Adaptive RNN Closeness UCTB.model.AGCRN
STMeta [TKDE 2021] Node GNN Prior(Proximity,Functionality,Interaction/Same-line) LSTM/RNN Closeness,Period,Trend UCTB.model.STMeta

1.3. Visualization Tool

The Visualization tool integrates visualization, error localization, and error diagnosis. Specifically, it allows data to be uploaded and provides interactive visual charts to show model errors, combined with spatiotemporal knowledge for error diagnosis.

Welcome to visit the website for a trial!

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