8. About us (UCTB Group)

8.1. PI

Leye Wang

From Feb 2019, till now.

Assistant professor @ Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Peking University.

Email: leyewang@pku.edu.cn

Leye Wang's HomePage

Longbiao Chen

From March 2022, till now.

Associate professor @ Department of Computer Science, Xiamen University, China

Email: longbiaochen@xmu.edu.cn

Longbiao Chen's HomePage

8.2. Key Contributors

Di Chai (active)

From Feb 2019, till now.

Ph.D student in computer science and engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Email: dchai@cse.ust.hk

Liyue Chen (active)

From Nov 2019, till now.

Ph.D student in Peking University.

Email: chenliyue2019@gmail.com

Jiangyi Fang (active)

From April 2022, till now.

Undergraduate student majored in Automation in Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

Email: fangjiangyi2001@gmail.com

Yayao Hong (active)

From Sep 2022, till now.

Master student in Fujian Key Laboratory of Sensing and Computing for Smart Cities at Xiamen University.

Email: hyymmmint@stu.xmu.edu.cn

Tengfei Liu (active)

From March 2023, till now.

Undergraduate student in computer science and technology at China University of Geosciences.

Email: tf66366@cug.edu.cn

Xiuhuai Xie (active)

From July 2023, till now.

Postgraduate student majored in Computer Technology in Xiamen University. Email: trafalgar2001@163.com

8.3. Past Contributors

Hang Zhu

From March 2022, Jul 2023.

Master student in Fujian Key Laboratory of Sensing and Computing for Smart Cities at Xiamen University.

Email: zhuhang@stu.xmu.edu.cn

Jin Xu

From Jul 2019 to Aug 2019.

Undergraduate student in Peking University majoring in Data Science and Big Data Technology.

Email: jinxu@pku.edu.cn

Wenjie Yang

From Nov 2019 to Aug 2020.

Master student in computer science and engineering at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Email: wjyccs@gmail.com

Xueqiao Xu

From Jan 2020 to Jul 2020.

He got his bachelor' degree in Peking University majoring in Data Science and Big Data Technology.

Email: snowbridge@foxmail.com

Zhenyu Cui

From May 2020 to Nov 2020.

Graduate student in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in Computer Vision and Deep Learning.

Email: cuizhenyu18@mails.ucas.ac.cn